WP File download search FILES CATEGORY All -RVX-001 Vaccine to Streptococcus pneumoniae--Corporate---Financials---Governance---Business plan---HR Policies---Intellectual Property---Strategic Advisory Board---Accounts---Consultancy Agreements---Service Agreements---Grants----UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship----Horizon EIC Accelerator--Step 1 - Genomics---a. RVX-001 QC Analysis---b. RVX-001 Core Genome, SNP, MLST and Serotype Analysis---c. RVX-001 Candidate Protein 1 - ZmpB---d. RVX-001 Candidate Protein 2 - AbcT---e. RVX-001 Candidate Protein 3 - PavA--Step 2 - Rational Antigen Design---a. Rational Discovery Pipeline---b. Homology with Human Proteome---c. Homology with other bacterial species---d. transmembrane and subcellular analysis--Step 3 - Vaccine Candidate Validation--Step 4 - Vaccine Formulation---a. RVX-001 Adjuvant Screening---b. RVX-001 Research Grade Recombinant Proteins----First Research-Grade Batch----Second Research-Grade Batch--Step 5 - Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy--Step 6 - Ex Vivo Human Predictive Models--Step 7 - CMC and CTA enabling studies--Step 8 - Clinical Phase---FIH CRO Quotes---FIH Study Designs-RVX-002 Vaccine to Streptococcus agalactiae--Intellectual Property--Discovery--Preclinical--Clinical--CTA Submission-RVX-003 Vaccine to Streptococcus pyogenes--Intellectual Property--Discovery--Preclinical--Clinical--CTA Submission--Corporate-RVX-004 Vaccine to XXX Search FILTER CREATION DATE From To UPDATE DATE From To CLEAR ALL CONTINUE